Sample Financial Plan – Moving to or Living in Canada

Our financial plan fees are typically based on a sliding scale of your net worth and start at U$10,500+. This approach falls in line with our comprehensive Canada-US financial planning philosophy because our firm looks at everything related to your situation and how it is inter-related. However, many people wonder what they are really getting for their money. We understand and to help you, you can download one of our actual financial plans with all the particular details to that client’s situation left out so you can better understand what you are paying for. These plans take about 50 to 80 hours to complete and are customized to your situation. Our experience is it will take about 10 hours of your time to gather the necessary documents and participate in the process. Trust us, if we don’t believe there is value we can add to your situation, we will not spend the time extending a planning engagement to you. It has to be the right fit or nobody benefits in the end.

To get the sample plan, simply fill out your name and email in the form on the right of your screen and a link will be sent to you to download the plan. Based on your review of the plan, if you think it will benefit you, click on the Get Started button on the homepage and fill out our Pathways to Canada™ FactFinder to introduce yourself.

If you still have questions or want to discuss our services in a bit more detail, feel free to contact Eva at (480) 722-9414 and she would be happy to help.


Download our Sample Financial Plan

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